李熊熊 发表于 2023-12-15 11:37


Located in the vast Jianghuai Plain, you can see all the mountains and rivers. Gazing at the west in melancholy, the sunset is gathering its light little by little in the vast twilight. In the wilderness, the trees on the horizon looked unusually low, the tides diverged at the original point where the Huai River entered the sea, and the road zigzagged between one lake after another. I pointed with my riding crop to a lonely roadside inn in the distance, where I would spend the night and drink a few glasses of Yulu wine in the cool breeze. Since ancient times, there have been many talented and beautiful women, if faced with the wilderness, sunset, lonely shops, drinking alone and other environments, will produce many lonely and desolate feelings.
Since I left Suzhou, I wonder if any of my friends who stayed there have had a reunion. And I myself was detained in the field, impermanence, fate. I think of the happy days of gathering and feasting with friends in Suzhou and passing out cups of wine all night, now like a dream, it has disappeared, and even the woman I love has not been heard from. Although the return journey is uncertain, the road is far away, but this small matter is difficult to block my missing, I express my heart with a piece of paper, and repeatedly told the person with the letter must send the letter to the destination. At this time, in the guest, also reminisce about the scene in Suzhou home had been talking with Su concubine all night.
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