李熊熊 发表于 2023-12-15 12:57


Still stand a few wind and rain, spring will return in a hurry. I am often afraid of blooming too early, let alone at this time has been numerous red. Spring, please stay for a while, haven't you heard that the grass in the sky has blocked your way back? Really let a person hate ah spring so silent, it seems that the attentive and affectionate, only the spider webs between the sculpted Liang painting building, in order to keep the spring all day with flecking.
Long door maid hope to be called lucky, agreed the good time but repeatedly delayed. All because someone is jealous of her beauty. Even if I bought the name of Sima Xiangru with a thousand pieces of gold, to whom is this deep feeling to talk? I advise you not to get carried away, do you not see that the red jade ring and the flying swallow have turned into dust. Nothing torments man more than leisure. Do not go to the tower to lean on the railing and look at the setting sun, which is about to set, where the heartbreaking willow trees are obscured.
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查看完整版本: 【宋词英译】辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》