赵大千 发表于 2023-12-31 11:22


Water Dragon Chant (Southern Song Dynasty Chen Liang) Sorrow of The Spring
Deep in the blooming flowers, towering tall buildings, the east wind blows in from the half roll of the painting curtain, making people feel particularly soft. Spring has come back, green covered with buildings, Pingsha grew delicate, weeping poplar gently floating gold thread. Spring slow to open flowers, clouds lightly put the rain, just feel slightly cold, and suddenly slightly warm. Hate this splendid world, visitors have not yet appreciated, but all to the yellow orioles and flies.
Lonely climb up high overlooking the outlying, turn to the south tower and listen to a sad return geese. Recall pulling out the hairpin to pick the green grass, holding the hair and tightening the horse, don't be scattered like wind and clouds. Only the ribbon is still floating with the fragrance, the green thin silk is still left with tears, how much is the ghost of sorrow and resentment? Being sad for the departure is also thin smoke in the faint moon, distant from the cuckoo sorrowful cry is heartbreaking.
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查看完整版本: 【宋词翻译】陈亮《水龙吟》