李熊熊 发表于 2024-2-4 16:18


The horses in the north neighed against the wind, the banners of the Great Song churned in the snow, and in the evening the sky threw out a red glow, and the setting sun cast its last rays low on the pole-high horizon. The old dead wood joins the sky, the countless hills rise and rise, and in the twilight the sand is full of decaying grass. The stars in the quiet house are tilted, and the sleepless night is really difficult. Wick condensation out of the residual flowers, acacia in vain. The duck-shaped smoke was filled with incense mist, and the candles were weeping like frozen water. The night was so dark that the frost never dawned.
Always remember that the light makeup is finished, do not have a cup of wine on the banquet has not been drunk, has led to the departure of the tide. Drunk in the eyes, in the dream of joy honey love, wake up are trouble. Calculate to have more feelings, how to endure to think, she attached to the ear of the love words quietly, when can jump back, can also recognize the gentle laughter of the door!
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查看完整版本: 宋词翻译《青门饮》寄宠人