李熊熊 发表于 2024-2-5 16:57


I rely on the high pavilion alone, the resentment is like the spring grass, has just been cleaned, unconsciously has grown again. The thought of riding apart outside the willows, the thought of parting with the lady with red sleeves at the water's edge, makes me sad.
Beauty, why did God give you so beautiful? That I can't pull myself out of it? In the night and moon of that year, we were drunk together into a curtain of dreams, the gentle spring breeze blowing you and me. It is helpless, the joy of the past are accompanied by water away, the fragrance on the green gauze gradually fades, and you can no longer hear the sweet music. Now in late spring, patches of residual red flying in the night, a little drizzle under the next sunny, a misty misty. My thoughts were thick, when suddenly I heard the crow of the oriole again, one after another.
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查看完整版本: 【宋词英译】秦观《八六子》