Lucis 发表于 2024-3-9 11:37


《水龙吟》(Water Dragon's Chant)
作者:苏轼(Created by Su Shi of Song Dynasty)
In autumn, the dew is cold, the smoke becomes cool and the reeds do not bloom, and the cry of geese flying in the sky is really sad and high. Under the Milky Way light in the autumn night, the lights in Nagamoto Palace were so dim that a wild goose had just sounded. This should be reminded of the life in Changsha city, the river bank far away in the quiet night, water and grass and food are so abundant. Looking far can see the boundless fields, hesitant to land on the ground, still as before, because of the cold wind frightened and fly away.
We must believe that Hengyang Hui Yan Peak is the best habitat, do not know who can send letters to the distance. No matter where you are, you will send the letter to the geese after a difficult flight. The fairy appeared in the night when the moon was high, and we walked through the city of Nanjing, where we could see the reflection shaking in the cold water. When I think of the people who have not yet made cold clothes, my sweetheart waves a long stick, and tears burst into her eyes.
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