Lucis 发表于 2024-3-28 11:37


《贺新郎》(Congratulation To The Bridegroom)
南宋辛弃疾(Created by Xin Qi Ji of The Southern Song Dynasty)
I have been very old, only hate my life, used to travel with friends wandering away, now I do not know how many left.
So many years of white-haired fame unfinished, to the world everything has gradually indifferent. But what else would really make me happy?
What I see is the green mountains in the distance, which must look the same to me. No matter the feelings and appearance, they are so similar.
The wine singing leisurely at the window, thinking of Tao Yuanming in the Wei and Jin period, made the "Stop the cloud four poems," is also such a feeling.
How could those people in the northern and Southern Dynasties, who craved fame and fame while drunk, realize the true meaning of drinking? Whistling back, the clouds were flying, the wind was blowing.
It is not because I can not see the ancients and feel sorry, but the ancients can not see my arrogance. It's my friends who know me.
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