李熊熊 发表于 2023-12-7 16:43


Autumn cicadas cry desolate and rapid, in the evening, facing the pavilion, the shower has just stopped. Set a farewell dinner in the suburbs of Kyoto, but there is no mood to drink, is reluctant to part with the time, the people on board have urged the departure. Holding each other's hands with tears in their eyes, choked to say no words. Think of this way to go far away, thousands of miles of smoke and clouds in the evening shrouded the sky, deep and broad, I do not know the end.
Since ancient times, passionate people are always sad for parting, not to mention in this cold, desolate autumn! Who knows where I'll be when I wake up tonight? I am afraid there is only the willows on the shore, facing the sad morning wind and the waning moon at dawn. This has been a long time apart, I expect that even in good weather, good scenery, it is as useless. Even if there is full of affection, and then with whom to tell?
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查看完整版本: 【宋词英译】柳永《雨霖铃》