赵大千 发表于 2024-1-19 11:24


The autumn colors are growing thicker, and the golden chrysanthemums carry the news of frost's coming. Small Windows and low households are deeply hidden in the chrysanthemum bushes, and the path winds up the mountain, winding and leaning. Ask me what is on my mind, it turns out that I can't bear to sit and watch the time pass easily and the temples are gray. Wandering and gazing at the edge of Taihu Lake, the sky is clear and the lake is reflecting the bright rosy clouds.
Reminiscing, wandering, going to the ends of the earth, but nothing. After the return to clean the courtyard of the path, pine bamboo is my home. However, the sad autumn wind blows from time to time, and the geese returning to the south fly slowly in the clouds, and the plaintive flute sound and the lament of the horses are intertwined. Who can like Xie An in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, talk and laugh to extinguish the dust raised by the Hu people's army and horses.

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