Lucis 发表于 2024-3-30 13:23


《莺啼序》隐括兰亭序(The Season of Warbler Song: Tune Arranged From The Orchid Pavilion Preface)
作者:易顺鼎(Created by Yi Shunding of Late Qing Dynasty, 1858-1920)
Do you remember the year 353 BC, when the weather was fine in late spring? This is the scene of Wang Xizhi's gathering at the Lanting in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, where forty-one dignitaries had gathered. There are lush bamboo forests, rolling mountains and winding streams, and they bring water down the river and sit around the clear streams. Why play a silk and bamboo orchestra for people to enjoy? If not, it is enough to describe the deep feelings of each person. At that time, the sky was clear, the breeze was smooth, looking up at the vastness of the universe, broadening the mind and stretching the eyes, which was indeed the most enjoyable thing for them to enjoy.
Considering we spend our whole lives, dealing with each other, dealing with each other quickly. Some people talk face to face with relatives and friends, enjoy themselves in the room, and some people are outside the body and indulge their life without any constraints. In one respect, although everyone's preferences, quiet and restlessness are different, happiness and sorrow also follow the same path. When we are happy with what we touch, we really don't know when old age is coming. In the future, when one is tired of getting or liking something, one's feelings change completely with the development of things. However, these things have become a history in a moment. The rise and fall of the world, ultimately attributed to extinction, some people because of the change of times and different things and lament this, not to mention thousands of generations there are few people can be compared with us!
The things that the ancients once said about life and death, and the reasons for their feelings, now sound as good as a deed. It is difficult for us to accept the knowledge obtained by our predecessors as we have always been, and in any case, we cannot restrain ourselves every time. We should have known that longevity and short life can not be equated at all, a person's life and death is difficult to express, with future generations to look at today's people, just as today's people look at their predecessors. Let nature take its course. That does seem to make sense. At the same time, the people gathered at that time were enough to record the psalms they made, thinking of the past life and this life, everyone's arms are no different from the first. Later generations to trace back to the beautiful era, we should humbly accept and seriously study this article, in order to relax and sigh at this.

Lucis 发表于 2024-4-2 20:15

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查看完整版本: 【Translation】《莺啼序》隐括兰亭序(易顺鼎)