Lucis 发表于 2024-4-16 17:08


《永遇乐》(Joy of Eternal Union: The Pavilion of Zhenjiang City)
南宋辛弃疾(Created by Xin Qi Ji of The Southern Song Dynasty)
The great rivers and mountains since ancient times can not find the old traces of heroes, like Sun Quan in The Three Kingdoms period. When left for people to dance on the platform, but the history of the romantic characters, but because of the passage of time and no longer exist.
The sunset shines on the flowers and trees on the roadside, the streets and alleys where the common people come and go, it is said that Liu Yu once lived in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. In those days, he commanded elite troops, swallowing mountains and rivers like tigers.
As for Liu Yilong's great success, is to establish war success but ended up in a panic, boarded the Mufu Mountain of the Nanjing City to look north and moved to tears. From 1162 to 1205, the 43 years can still be remembered, is the scene of the city of Yangzhou City filled with smoke.
It is really terrible to look back, just under the palace on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Nanjing City, to hear the crow's cry should be accompanied by loud drums. I don't know who can understand whether General Lian Po's health was as strong as ever in his old age.
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