Lucis 发表于 2024-4-21 13:42


《满江红》(The River All Red: Stage Pavilion of Zhucheng City)
北宋苏轼词作(Created by Su Shi of The Northern Song Dynasty)
In the southern part of Zhucheng City, the river has just begun to flow under the newly built embankment. After the light rain in late spring, the forest is full of bamboo, mountains, red flowers and green leaves, piled up all over the ground.
At this moment, the petals on the trees fell with the wind, and I went to the river with my friends to enjoy the spring scenery. If you want to ask the future, how many scenery unlimited, it is only a third of the calculation.
There is so much work in the government that I don't know when it will be done. Sigh alone after the wind and rain, more bright spring. When we meet today, we toast and drift together, and the people of the city gather together.
Have you ever heard the story of the Orchid Pavilion Preface in 353 BC, when the 42 people in the room were all emperors and generals? Until now, only the mountain bamboo forest all over the place outside Shaoxing city, the past things are impossible to find!
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