Lucis 发表于 2024-3-4 12:11


《长亭怨慢》(Sorrow of The Pavilion)
原作:姜夔(Created by Jiang Kui of The Song Dynasty)
The spring breeze gradually blows down, is the willow branches on the catkins. Homes on all sides, hidden in the depths of the green shade. The river meandered in the distance, and the disorganized sailboats at dusk did not know where to go. There are many people who have seen too many parting scenes, and no one can be like the trees on the edge of the suburban pavilion. If the willow can understand the deep friendship of the world, it is not necessarily, 365 days a year is still green.
At this time is the sunset, look at the tall tower faintly until can not see so far, only to see the endless green mountains. Now that I am far from you, I wonder if I can remember to trust me with the ring as a token when we parted. The first time, so that I can come back soon, worry about my lover, no one to pity me. Even if there is a sharp pair of scissors in my hand, it is difficult to cut the sadness of parting my heart.
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