李熊熊 发表于 2023-12-13 15:55


Southern Dynasty Jinling prosperous scene, who can remember now? The banks of the river are surrounded by hair-like peaks. The big waves of the Yangtze River have been lapping at this lonely and lonely ancient city for years. The ships with sails are sailing towards the distant horizon.
The trees on the steep cliff near the water seemed to fall down and lean against the cliff. Miss Mochou may have tied a boat here! All that was left was old, but I saw the green and blue, and the half of the fortress that was exposed in the thick fog. In the middle of the night, the moon rose from the female wall, and the Feast Pavilion looked east at the Qinhuai River.
That wine flag flying, gongs and drums noisy noisy scene to rest to find? It is thought that the Eastern Jin Dynasty Wang Xie family residence in. The swallow does not know what generation this is. Swallows whisper in the sunset, as if they are also telling each other about the rise and fall here.
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