Lucis 发表于 2024-4-23 13:36


《水龙吟》(Water Dragon's Chant: Rosy Tower of Huanggang City)
北宋苏轼(Created by Su Shi of The Northern Song Dynasty)
The boat crossed the spring river bank, lying in the boat can see the green mountains and red tower. There is laughter in the lofty tower, and in the scene of Mr. Lvqiu's elegant assembly, there is the hazy drunkness of the singing girl. The sound of the silk and bamboo orchestra is floating and lingering straight into the clouds. Recall the old age of friends, but still handsome, only to look back alone, but in the smoke waves.
Push the pillow confused frustrated see old friends, only the broad river, and the bright moon outside. I have heard the story of Fan Li at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. He flew home in a boat and still took Xi Shi with him. When we were in Huanggang City, we also went to Wuchang on the east bank of the Yangtze River to play around, you should remember these things. Think of the passionate people in the dream, must be able to see me, probably so is the same as I dream of you.
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