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发表于 2024-1-22 11:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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A twist of red
Northern Song Dynasty Zhou Bangyan
The countryside sprawled out against the city walls. The road was long, and the guests had driven away, leaving behind a trail of confused dust. There was silence and loneliness. The setting sun reflects the distant mountains slowly falling, but can not bear to take away its last touch of residual red, like a love of the tower on the corner of the railing. Accompany me to see off the song prostitute along the way light gait, then also feel tired, so came to the short pavilion to rest, unexpectedly met my good lover, is really a lover need to meet in advance. She advised me to dismount, re-embroider the saddle, and drink a few cups of spring wine, her round soft and sweet voice, tender and considerate persuasion, let me very comfortable.
When I woke up, I found myself sleeping in the red building, wasn't I drinking with my lover in the short pavilion? When did you get back? Last night or this morning? And who put me in the saddle? I can't even remember it. Suddenly a gust of wind made the curtain flutter. I took a drunk, hurried to the west garden, helped blow down the peony, sighed around the safflower, sighed my west garden is already lost flowers all over the ground, why this murderous east wind so evil? Stop, stop, stop, let the spring like water like the passage of it, still can be happy is that I have a cave, can also be happy.
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