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发表于 2024-1-23 11:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Sleepwalking Tianmu sings farewell
Tang Dynasty Li Bai
When overseas visitors talk about Yingzhou, they find it hard to find.
In the middle of the talk about Tianmu Mountain, sometimes can be seen in the clouds and clouds.
Tianmu Mountain seems to connect the sky to block the sky, the mountain is higher than the five mountains, covering Akagi Mountain.
Although Tiantai Mountain is 48,000 feet high, facing it seems to lean to the southeast and prostrate.
I sleepwalked to Wuyue according to what the Yue people said, and flew through the mirror lake under the moonlight one night.
The moonlight on the Mirror Lake shone on my shadow and accompanied me to the Shanxi River.
The place where Xie Lingyun lived is still there today, with the clear lake rippling and the apes crying.
I wore the wooden shoes specially made by Xie Gong at that time, climbing the mountain road straight up to the clouds.
Halfway up the mountain, I saw the sun rising from the sea, and in the air I heard the crow of dawn.
Countless mountains and rocks overlap, the road twists and turns, the direction is uncertain, infatuated with flowers, leaning on stones, unaware of the night.
The bear roars, the dragon cries, the springs in the rocks vibrate, making the forests tremble and the mountains tremble.
The clouds were dark, as if it were going to rain, and the water waves were stirring up smoke.
The lightning flashed, the thunder rumbled, and the mountain seemed to collapse.
Fairy house stone door, "Imam" a sound from the middle to open.
The blue sky in the cave was endless and could not see the end. The sun and moon shone on the palace made of gold and silver.
With rainbows made of clothes, and the wind as a horse, the gods of the clouds came down.
The tiger played the harp, the luan bird drove the cart, and the immortals flocked in dense clusters.
Suddenly the soul startled, I suddenly woke up, can not help but long sigh.
When I woke up, only the pillow beside me, the smoke and clouds that I had seen in my dream had all disappeared.
The joy of the world is like a fantasy in a dream, so from ancient times all things like the east flow of water gone forever.
Say goodbye to your friends and go to Donglu, when will you come back?
For the time being, the white deer will graze between the blue cliffs, and when it is time to go far, it will ride it to visit the famous mountain.
Can I bow down to serve the nobles, so that I cannot have a pleasant smile!

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