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发表于 2023-12-11 21:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The noon willow shade fell straight down, and in the mist, the willow branches swayed in the wind. On the ancient Sui Dyke, I have seen Liufei dance many times, sending people away in a hurry. Every time I boarded the high platform to look out for my hometown, Hangzhou is separated by mountains and rivers again and again. Living in the capital makes me tired, but who knows the hidden pain in my heart? In this ten miles long pavilion on the road, I have broken down thousands of willow, but always year after year to send others away.
I took advantage of leisure to the suburbs, originally in order to find the whereabouts of the old days, but also to give a farewell dinner to friends. The lights were shining, I raised my glass, and mournful music was fluttering in the air. The pear flowers by the post were in full bloom, reminding me that the Cold Food Festival was coming, and people would use the firewood of the elm willow. Full of sadness, I watched the boat leave like an arrow, the tip of the pole inserted into the warm water waves, frequently moving forward. When the guests on the ship looked back, the post station was left far behind, and the end left the capital, which was so sad. He wanted to take another look at the north of my yo, but found that it was already a hazy.
I am lonely and miserable, and the pile of sorrow and hatred is ten million heavy. The river bank of farewell twists and turns, and the earthen fort of the ferry is silent. The spring color thickens day by day, and the setting sun hangs in the sky. I can't help but think of that time hand in hand, playing in the water pavilion, the moonlight dissolved. We were on a dewy bridge, listening to the flute play to the end of the song. Recalling the past, like a big dream. I cried in secret.

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