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发表于 2024-2-27 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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《沁园春》密州早行(Qin Yuan Chun: Depart from Zhucheng in the morning
原作:苏轼(Created by Su Shi, The Northern Song Dynasty

The lights were always on in the lonely hostel, and we were all just waking up from sleep when the sound of chickens crowing on the moors was the last thing people wanted to hear. The moon gradually lost the white ribbon of the white, the morning light of the frost a crystal. The clouds over the mountains were like unrolled damask, and the dew reflected the morning light. Although the experience of the world is endless and the laborious life is particularly limited, it is rare to have a happy state of mind when there is so little praise for mediocrity. Here I am, alone, crooning, standing beside the horse and not saying a word, all sorts of things coming to my mind.
We were young and living together in Kaifeng at the same time. As Lu Ji and Lu Yun arrived in the Imperial capital, they were still young and strong. Fortunately, we can write a thousand words, and we have enough knowledge. Think of yourself as assisting the Lord of the sage, this is a very hard-won thing! In fact, reuse or not is obviously to comply with the changes of The Times, access to official posts must be weighed by their own advantages and disadvantages. You might as well sit back and do what's right. Fortunately, we are in good health, and only need to be unscrupulous all the year round, and find drunk in the cup to comfort their life.
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