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发表于 2024-1-27 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Theme of Chibi City
Northern Song Dynasty Su Shi
In the autumn of 1082 BC, on July 16, I went boating with my friends under the Red Cliff. The wind is blowing, the water is not stirring. Raise the glass to the companion to persuade wine, reciting "Bright Moon" in the "fair" chapter. A short time later, the moon rose from behind the East Hill, moving back and forth between the doru and the cow. Under the moonlight, the vast white mist covered the river, and the sky and water were connected. Let a small reed-like boat float freely across the vast river. Like growing wings like flying in the wind, do not know where they will stop, flapping flapping shake as if to leave the world flapping up, becoming fairies into fairyland.
At this time they drank very happily and sang to the beat. In the song, the cassia and Pandan boats beat the clear moonlight waves and swim upstream on the moonlit water. My love is far away, looking at the beauty is on the other side of the day. There are guests who play the flute, whining to the rhythm of the song and the sound of the flute. Like a lament, like a longing, like a cry, like a voice, reverberating in the river, like a continuous thread. It makes a dragon dance in a deep valley, and a widow weep in a lonely boat.
My face also sad sad up, straighten up the skirt to sit upright, to the guest asked. Why is Xiao so mournful? The guest answered: The moon is thin, the magpie flies south. Isn't this Cao Cao's poem? Here to the west can look to Xiakou, to the east can look to Wuchang, mountains and rivers bordering endless, as far as the eye can see, a lush. Isn't that where Cao Cao was besieged by Zhou Yu? When he captured Jingzhou, captured Jiangling, and went east along the Yangtze River, his ships stretched a thousand miles from end to end, the flag covered the sky, poured wine in front of the river, and sang poems with spears. He was a hero of the world, but where is he now? What's more, you and I are fishing and chopping wood in the small island in the river, with fish and shrimp as companions, with elk as friends, driving this leaf boat on the river, raising the cup to toast each other, like a mayfly in the vast world, like a grain of corn in the sea. Alas, we lament that our life is only a short moment, and cannot help admiring the endless Yangtze River. Want to travel with the immortal hand in hand, and embrace the moon forever in the world. Knowing that these ideas can not be realized at once, I had to turn my regret into xiao sound and send it in the sad autumn wind.
I asked, do you also know the water and the moon? The river is always flowing, but it does not run away. The moon is always so round and waxing, but it does not increase or decrease after all. It can be seen that from the changeable side of things, everything in heaven and earth is changing all the time, even the blink of an eye does not stop; And from the unchanging side of things, all things are eternal to us, and what is there to envy? Besides, between heaven and earth, all things have their masters, and if they are not entitled to them, they cannot take even a single cent. Only the breeze on the river, and the moon in the mountains, when heard, they become sounds, and when they enter the eyes, they draw shapes and colors, and no one will forbid them from obtaining them, and there will be no great worry about feeling them. This is an endless treasure of nature that you and I can enjoy together.
The guest smiled happily, washed his glass and drank again. All the dishes and fruits have been eaten, and the cups and plates are in disarray. Everyone slept on each other's pillows in the boat, unconsciously the white dawn had emerged in the east.

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