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发表于 2024-2-26 13:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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《瑞龙吟》大石春景(Dragon's Chant: Spring Scenery of Big Rocks
原作:周邦彦(Created by Zhou Bangyan, The Late Northern Song Dynasty
I walked alone in the busy street. At that time, I could still see the plum blossoms that had withered before hanging on the branches, and the peach blossoms that were in bud now covered a tree. In this quiet and deserted street, only the swallows, busy with nesting, flew back to the old place last year.
I stood somewhere with dejected concentration. As I was thinking of a small and delicate lover, she was leaning against the door looking out when I first saw her that morning. Her forehead was covered with a pale golden powder, her sleeves were rolled up in front of her to keep out the wind, and her mouth was full of smiles.
Now I'm back, visiting her old neighborhood and her sisters who were singing and dancing. But only the former songgirl, her reputation and value are still the same. Until now, I picked up the pen to write poems, and I can still remember Li Shangyin's "Four Yan Tai poems". What a pity! Who else would I drink in my garden, and wander about the east of the city? The joy of the past has gone away with the wild geese flying over the horizon. Later, I was full of interest and took the initiative to come back to go out for an outing in early spring, but it was full of sad sadness. The willow trees beside the official road drooped their slender golden branches. When I rode back, it was already late, and the spring rain had wet the skirt and filled the pond by the side of the road. But absolutely tears, a mess of the courtyard, the wind floating catkins also floated to the door curtain, this is really let me too sad!
 楼主| 发表于 2024-3-14 17:19 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-3-27 16:53 | 显示全部楼层
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