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发表于 2024-4-13 16:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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《大酺》春雨(The Grand Feast: Story of The Spring's Rain Scenery
北宋周邦彦(Created by Zhou Bangyan of The Northern Song Dynasty
Last night, when the smoke had dissipated, there was no sound of birds singing in the courtyard, except for the heavy rain that pounded down on the roof. The new bamboo on the top of the wall, the result of the wind and rain washed the powder frost above, and the soft bamboo tips swayed in the wind and rain, colliding with each other. The rain loosens the strings, a cold air penetrates the pillow, and the wind blows the dusty cobwebs and sticks them to the bamboo curtains. The house is lonely, no one, listening to the sound of water dripping from the eaves, I sleep alone under fatigue. The most helpless, is the heart of the pain and distress was suddenly startled by the sound of rain, so trance light dream, wake up can not remember scattered, silent, only self-pity.
The wanderer in another country is eager to return, and the most worried about the mud on the road will stick to the wheel, so that people can not smoothly return to the home. However, the feelings at that time, like the Northern and Southern Dynasties Yu Xin missed the hometown, and such as Wei Shubao this, more worry more disease and easy to hurt the heart. It is easier to be sad when you are idle. No wonder Ma Rong this, who lived in Pingyang during the Han Dynasty, wept because he heard the plaintive sound of the fife. Not to mention a bleak, overgrown place. All over the ground fell a large piece of flowers, the cherry trees is outside the door, all is formed the soybeans as big fruits, I do not know who can enjoy with me at night!
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